I cant believe summer has already come and gone. It went to fast. But we definatley had a fun summer! We were able to go to California and Utah all in one shot.
California- We went with the Gurrs. And it was a blast! It was my first time going to Coronado and it definatley wont be the last. We went to the beach, grilled, played games, talked, and played mintue to win it. I cant wait for next year. It cant come soon enough!
Utah- With the Anderson's. We love going to Utah. Its our home away from home. My parents have a cabin in Sundance. My entire family was able to be up there together! We went the Gardner Village, ate out, played games, hiked, biked and hung with family and friends! Such a fun trip!
We were also able to see our good friends Kelsey and Jake! We went to J Dawgs (delish). They were also able to come up and play Ticket to Ride and get in the jacuzzi! We cant wait to see them again!